Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection

What happened?

August 12, 2021

Thank you for letting me join your group.

I had chest pains last Thursday which went into my shoulder and arms. Not that intense pains. Saw my doctor and got blue lighted to our nearest heart specialist. Very intense testing and then told I had had a heart attack which was caused by a SCAD. I am 67 and was told this is normally a young persons disease. I am very mobile, swim for 50 minutes twice a week and was running around looking after my grandchildren in the summer holidays.

My treatment under the NHS has been amazing and I came home last night. I have been told to take it easy for 2 weeks and will have a clinic appointment in 6 weeks.

I am feeling confused by the whole thing and it all feels unreal. How easy do I take it and how do I know how much is enough?